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Turkey Tail Found to Alleviate Cancer Symptoms

Learn more about Turkey Tail here (LINK) 

Turkey Tail (Tremates Versicolour) is a small bracket fungus, found abundantly throughout the UK mostly on decaying beech and oak. Despite its unassuming appearance, Turkey Tail is one of the most researched medicinal mushrooms in the world with many scientific studies published confirming its effects on the human immune system.

A study published in April 2023, cites Turkey Tail as effective in ‘treating symptoms, medication side effects, and tumour effects and survival outcomes in gastric, breast and colorectal cancers.’[1] In addition the study finds that medicinal mushrooms have the potential to ‘prevent lymph node metastasis, prolong overall survival, decrease chemotherapy-induced side effects (e.g., diarrhea, vomiting), affect the immune system, and help maintain immune function and quality of life in patients with certain cancers’ [2]

Turkey Tail is considered an immune system supporter that can work along side conventional treatments for cancer, mitigating side effects and giving the body the boost it needs, in the face of more toxic medicines. This is quite remarkable given that this little mushroom is so readily available world wide and is free from the grip of pharmaceutical giants.

So how can we access the incredible immune strengthening qualities of Turkey Tail?

To be its most effective, Turkey Tail need to go through a processing method to extract its immune enhancing properties. In its natural form it is very tough and unpalatable and is difficult for the body to digest.  

At Mycodose, we use a hot water extraction method that breaks down the chitin of the cells walls, releasing the essential immune-regulating compounds into a form that is more readily absorbed in the gut. The resulting extraction is gently dried at low temperatures, providing a potent, bio-available, nutrient rich powder that we then make into convenient capsules.

Our Turkey Tail is wild and unadulterated, foraged from sustainable sources and brought to you in a potent capsule, with absolutely nothing added. No fillers, no crap, just pure immuno-goodness.

[1] Dan, Swaine, Belonce, Jacobs – 2023, Therapeutic Effects of Medicinal Mushrooms on Gastric, Breast, and Colorectal Cancer: A Scoping Review: Online Extract Pubmed - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10183216/

[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10183216/

Further Reading:


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